Help you quickly learn all the questions JN0-320 test
We all know that JN0-320 pdf is a popular exam Juniper Networks certification exam can be a very good market acceptance. Meanwhile, the JN0-320 test training is a relatively difficult test, because it includes a lot of problems, how to quickly grasp all the knowledge it has always been a difficult point.
JN0-320 on the market there are many resource materials, but the content too much, to complete all learning may take a long time.
Is there any way to completion of a week to JN0-320 ?
1. How does the Juniper DX accelerate web servers?
A. by translating HTTP requests to HTTPS
B. by refusing client connections that are unnecessarily refreshed by end users
C. by multiplexing numerous client-side connections to fewer server-side connections
D. by multiplexing numerous server-side connections to fewer client-side connections
Answer: C
2. Which two benefits does the Juniper DX provide? (Choose two.)
A. It compresses all images.
B. It protects servers from DDoS attacks.
C. It protects servers from SynFlood attacks.
D. It loads all content from web servers to flash.
Answer: BC