Pass LOT-982 exam and become IBM certified professional. IBM IT certification is recognized worldwide as the most advanced certification. We provide IBM LOT-982 exam is based entirely on objective type questions and answers. Want to get this certification by learning the study guide we provide learning materials easily obtain exam certificate.
2. You have configured multiple instances of Lotus Quickr on a single WebSphere Application Server. To configure each, you must access Lotus Quickr via a Web browser to a fully qualified domain name, followed by the port. Which of the following is the default transport port that is created by WebSphere Application Server?
A. 80
B. 8088
C. 10038
D. 18808
Answer: C
3. To simplify default role assignments to be propagated to all individual resources through inheritance, which of the following would you utilize?
A. Role ranges
B. Domain XMLAccess
C. Virtual resources
D. Image propagation
Answer: C
4. Policies for Lotus Quickr are grouped in which of the following manners?
A. According to alphabetical order
B. According to the types of resources
C. According to who created the policies
D. According to the sort order for the Lotus Quickr libraries
Answer: B