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1. Which action enables an administrator to make a VIO Server automatically activate when the physical machine is powered on?
A. Ensure the /etc/auto_start file exists on the VIOS.
B. Ensure the 'cfgdev -a boot=yes' command has been executed.
C. Select the 'Automatically start when the managed system is powered on' option within the VIO Server LPAR profile.
D. Add the VIO Server to the 'Automatically start when the managed system is powered on' field on the Managed System properties.
Answer: C
2. An administrator wants to restore the /etc/resolv.conf file from a mksysb backup onto server
After the mksysb is mounted in /mnt/backup/ from the local nim server, which command should be run to restore the file?
A. tar -xvf /mnt/backup/server1.mksysb ./etc/resolv.conf
B. restore -Tvf /mnt/backup/server1.mksysb ./etc/resolv.conf
C. listvgbackup -f /mnt/backup/server1.mksysb -r ./etc/resolv.conf
D. restorevgfiles -xrm /mnt/backup/server1.mksysb ./etc/resolv.conf
Answer: C
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