We took the 70-667 exam, but when we saw the large quantities of study materials, we became a little anxious. We studied day and light till someday I felt that we could not capture the main points of the real test, so I entered the professional Microsoft forum to copy others experience.
I don know whats my purpose to write this artical here, 70-667 training material, I just want to share my happiness to you all! Wish we will all have a bright future and make the wise choice for our life!
You have a SharePoint Server 2010 server farm.
You need to enable trace logging for the Search service.
What should you configure?
A. diagnostic logging
B. the Health Analyzer rule definitions
C. the Search service application
D. usage and health data collection
Answer: A
You have a SharePoint Server 2010 server that contains two Web servers named Server1 and Server2.
You discover that the average CPU utilization on Server1 is 99 percent and the average CPU utilization on Server2 is 1 percent.
You need to decrease CPU utilization on Server1.
What should you do?
A. Create an additional application pool.
B. Create an extended Web application zone.
C. Configure Windows Network Load Balancing.
D. Configure the maximum number of worker processes.
Answer: C
we have compiled a Top 3 List of Online Training websites that will cover all the 70-667 exam details. Some of these websites will offer you a 70-667 practice exam while others will offer you free 70-667 exam questions, but in the end, we have concluded that these are the top 3 websites that will provide you with effective 70-667 resources.