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The IT manager of a medium-sized retail store is configuring a wireless network. As a first step in securing the wireless network, the manager decides to enable the Closed system parameter on each of the ProCurve Access Point 530 devices. What is the main difference between Open and Closed wireless networks?
A. In an Open system, the SSID is advertised to clients; in a Closed system the SSID it is not advertised.
B. A Closed system requires the client's wireless MAC address be configured on the access point; an Open system does not require MAC authentication.
C. A Closed system requires the client to have a pre-shared key; an Open system does not require a pre-shared key.
D. An Open system requires the use of 802.1X and RADIUS authentication; a Closed system does not require the use of 802.1X and RADIUS authentication.
Answer: A